Si terrà il 27 giugno all'Università di Messina il Workshop The European Patent Office and the new unitary patent
con alcuni funzionari dell'Ufficio Europeo Brevetti di Monaco di Baviera in qualità di relatori.
9.00 - 9.15 Participants Registration
9.15 - 9.30 Welcome address Prof. Daniela Baglieri – Vice Rector forTechnological
TransferUniversity of Messina; Prof. Concetta De Stefano, President of SIR Faculty of Science and Technology University of Messina;
9.30 - 12.30 The EPO and the new Unitary Patent
EPO structure with a particular focus on job vacancies for staff and traineeships for students;
Unitary Patent and Unitary Patent Court;
Managing Patent Portfolio;
Trend and Monitoring in ICT Technologies;
Dr. Carlo Lantsheer, Director in the ICT Area (European Patent Office); Dr. GiulioCeccarini, Patent Examiner in the ICT Area (European Patent Office);
A coffee break is scheduled at 11.00.
12.30 - 12.45 Q&A
12.45 - 13.00 Patents and Intellectual Property Rights at the University of Messina Dr.ssa Elena Girasella, Head of Coordinating Unit for Technology TransferUniversity of Messina Dr. Paolo Patanè, Head of Operational Unit for Protection of Intellectual Property Rights University of Messina
In allegato il programma completo.