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22-24 giugno Mediterranea University International Summer School on Consumer Law and Human Rights

Seconda edizione

L'Ateneo reggino sarà protagonista dal 22 al 24 giugno di un nuovo evento internazionale di grande spessore, realizzato in collaborazione con altre 14 prestigiose università, che manderanno a Reggio Calabria per l'occasione i propri direttori di dipartimento, vice-presidi di facoltà e delegati all'internazionalizzazione.

Si tratta della II edizione della “Mediterranea University International Summer School on Consumer Law and Human Rights”, alla quale saranno ammessi a partecipare gratuitamente solo 40 studenti e laureati (calabresi e non solo), selezionati su base curriculare (

L'iniziativa, è promossa dalle Cattedre di diritto privato europeo (prof. Angelo Viglianisi Ferraro) e Diritto privato comparato (prof.ssa Amalia Di Landro) del Corso di laurea in Giurisprudenza e di Istituzioni di diritto privato (prof.ssa Tiziana Rumi) del Corso di laurea in Scienze Economiche del DiGiEC dell’Università di Reggio Calabria e gode di un autorevole Comitato scientifico, che conferma la qualità del Dipartimento diretto dal prof. Francesco Manganaro, recentemente considerato uno dei 10 migliori in Italia dall’ANVUR, Agenzia di valutazione del Ministero MIUR.

La Summer School, per espresso volere del Rettore, prof. Pasquale Catanoso, si svolgerà presso il nuovo Residence universitario, sito in via Roma, una struttura divenuta Collegio di merito, che negli ultimi mesi sta ospitando una serie di pregevoli iniziative culturali aperte alla città.

Le lezioni frontali si terranno la sera del 22 e del 23 giugno, dalle 18:00 alle 20:00, e la mattina del 24, dalle 9:30 in poi. Durante il resto delle giornate, i partecipanti potranno studiare - individualmente o in gruppo - sui materiali forniti dai docenti. E già alle ore 16:00 i professori saranno a disposizione degli studenti per fornire loro indicazioni utili su possibili periodi di soggiorno di studio e ricerca all’estero.

L’evento prevede un servizio di traduzione, curato da alcuni giovani collaboratori organizzativi, che consentirà a tutti di partecipare attivamente alla Scuola estiva di respiro internazionale.



A comparison among different European and foreign legislative solutions (II edition)


The “Mediterranea” University (Italy) and the Cracow University of Economics (Poland) Research Units of the International Research Project “The influence of European legislation on national legal systems in the field of consumer protection”, with the cooperation of professors from other 13 Prestigious Universities: Universidad del Salvador (Argentina), University of Strasbourg (France), Universidade do Porto (Portugal), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain), Universidad “Complutense” de Madrid (Spain), Universitad de Murcia (Spain), University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), University “College Effectus” of Zagabria (Croatia), University of Rijeka (Croatia), Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic), Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Perú), University of Patras (Greece), Tartu University (Estonia).


June 22nd (16:00-20:00), 23rd (16:00-20:00), 24th (9:30-12:30), 2017


“Mediterranea” University Residence, via Roma, Reggio Calabria (Italy).


The Summer School’s schedule has been designed in order to offer lectures in Italian, English and Spanish.


Prof. Maria Teresa Álvarez Moreno (Civil Law Department Dean and Professor of Private Law – Universidad “Complutense” de Madrid), Prof. Giorgos Argyros, (Professor of Economic Law at the Department of Economics of the University of Patras), Prof. Cristina Amunategui Rodríguez (Professor of Private Law – Universidad “Complutense” de Madrid), Prof. María Fuensanta Gómez Manresa (Deputy Head for the Academic Organisation of the Law Faculty and Professor of Administrative Law – Universidad de Murcia), Prof. Amalia Chiara Di Landro (Professor of Comparative Private Law - Università “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria), Prof. Jacek Lachner, Prof. Karol Magoń, Prof. Aleksandra Nowak-Gruca and Prof. Monika Szaraniec (Professors of Civil and Business Law – Cracow University of Economics), Prof. Suzana Kraljić (Professor of Private Law – University of Maribor), Prof. Francesco Manganaro (Director of the Law and Economics Department and Professor of Administrative Law - Università “Mediterranea”), Prof. César E. Moreno More, (Professor of Private Law - Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Perú), Prof. Nicolas Nord (Deputy Dean for the International Relations and Professor of International Private Law – Université de Strasbourg), Prof. Tiziana Rumi (Professor of Private Law - Università “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria), Prof. Rute Teixeira Pedro (Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law and Professor of Civil Law - Universidade do Porto); Prof. Martina Lourdes Rojo (Director of the Lawyers School and of the Internacional Affair - Universidad del Salvador, Argentina and Universitè de Lion); Prof. Jelena Uzelac (Professor of Private Law – University “College Effectus” of Zagabria), Prof. Angelo Viglianisi Ferraro (Professor of European Private Law – Università “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria).


Ms. Roberta Campolo, Ms. Valentina Muià, Ms. Stefania Pedà, Mr. Francesco Putortì (Students of the International LLM in European Private Law – Università “Mediterranea” di Reggio Calabria).


  • To offer a quality and intensive training in consumer law, focusing on international and regional law developments
  • To promote the sharing of knowledge, experiences and practices and to encourage comparison among different legislative solutions
  • To provide participants with important updated documentation
  • To consolidate an international network of expertise in consumer law, particularly on the European level.

CANDIDATES (who can apply for free participation to the event:

  • Students
  • Professors, teachers, lecturers, scholars and researchers
  • Judges, lawyers or consultants
  • Civil Servants from institutions responsible for consumer protection policy or from organizations that develop initiatives in consumer protection or human rights, or in closely related fields
  • Consumer Organizations’ officials, representatives or other actors from the associative world working in related fields (sustainable consumption, fair trade, standard of living, human rights, etc.)
  • Economic actors and professional associations’ officials or representatives


A complete and updated collection of documents will be handed to the participants, at the opening of the Summer School. This collection will include a selection of legislative documents and other relevant legal texts and articles.


Upon successful completion of the School – by attending at least 80% of the scheduled classes – participants will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance, which qualifies the “Mediterranea” University Law students for the accreditation of 3 ECTS points.


The Summer School is completely free of charge for the 40 selected participants.


Prof. Maria Teresa Álvarez Moreno, Dean of the Private Law Department - Universidad “Complutense” de Madrid, Prof. Amalia Chiara Di Landro, Associate Professor of Comparative Private Law - Università of Reggio Calabria, Prof. M. Fuensanta Gómez, Deputy Head for the Academic Organisation of the Law Faculty - Universidad de Murcia, Prof. Francesco Manganaro, Director of the Law and Economics Department - Università di Reggio Calabria, Prof. Nicolas Nord, Deputy Dean for the International Relations – Université de Strasbourg, Prof. Martina Lourdes Rojo, Director of the Lawyers School - Universidad del Salvador and Universitè de Lion, Prof. Oscar Pérez de la Fuente, Profesor de Filosofía del Derecho - Universidad "Carlos III" de Madrid, Prof. Tiziana Rumi, Aggregate Professor of Private Law - Università “Mediterranea” of Reggio Calabria, Prof. Angelo Viglianisi Ferraro, Director of the Mediterranea International Centre for Human Rights Research,


Angelo Viglianisi Ferraro (, Academic Director and Didactic Coordinator of the Summer School; Alisia Callà (, Valentina Crupi (, Stefania Roberto (, Salvatore Ruggiero (, Federico Zindato (, Organising Collaborators

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