Nell'ambito dell'iniziativa "Giornate internazionali di studio del diritto privato europeo", il 26 luglio 2018, alle ore 17:30, si svolgerà presso la Residenza universitaria di via Roma il Seminario "Public and Private Law Instruments of Protection of Weak Subjects in Europe".
Within the initiative "Giornate internazionali di studio del diritto privato europeo" (International Study Days on European Private Law), promoted by the Department of Law, Economics and Human Sciences of the "Mediterranea" University of Reggio Calabria in cooperation with many other European Univerties, the MICHR and the LL.M. in European Private Law organise the International Seminar "Public and Private Law Instruments of Protection of Weak Subjects in Europe".
The event will take place on July 26, at 17:30, at the University Residence (via Roma, Reggio Calabria).
Dr Angelo Roberto Gaglioti (Doctor in Civil Law and Public Prosecutor at the Tribunal of Reggio Calabria)
Prof. Boguslawa Gnela (Head of Department, Cracow University of Economics)
Prof. Grzegorz Kozieł (Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities for the direction of the administration in Higher School of Entrepreneurship and Administration in Lublin)
Prof. Katarzyna Pokorna-Ignatowicz (Head of Department, Andrzey Friycz Modrzewsky Cracow University)
Dr Gaëlle Sampietro (PhD candidate, University of Strasbourg)
Prof. Angelo Viglianisi Ferraro (Director of the MICHR, University of Reggio Calabria)
The Seminar is free of charge and open to students of bachelor’s and master’s programmes, postgraduate students and graduate students, academic workers and specialist public.