Department: |
Dipartimento di Architettura e Design |
Location and Contacts: |
Via dell'Università 25
89124 Reggio Calabria |
Area (mq): |
1.000 mq al coperto; 600 mq circa all’aperto |
Rooms: |
Laboratorio pesante - tre piani - livelli -3 -2 -1 |
Director: |
Corrado Trombetta |
Mail: |
Technical Responsible: |
Martino Milardi, Francesco Pastura, Francesca Fatta, , Matilde Mariarosa Consolata Pietrafesa, Felice Arena |
Sito web: |
Useful links: |
Full Professors: |
() Francesca Fatta (CEAR-10/A) Matilde Mariarosa Consolata Pietrafesa (IIND-07/B) () Felice Arena (CEAR-01/B) |
Associate Professors: |
Massimo Lauria (CEAR-08/C) Martino Milardi (CEAR-08/C) Corrado Trombetta (CEAR-08/C) |
Researchers: |
Francesca Giglio (CEAR-08/C) Francesco Pastura (CEAR-08/C) |
PhD graduates: |
Alessandra Focà, Angela Laganà, Maria Teresa Mandaglio, Katia Musarella, Deborah Pennestri, Andrea Ieropoli, Maria Azzalin, Gabriella Caridi |
PhD students: |
Marco Bruno (DdR Politehnica University of Timisoara) da 3/2017 a 7/2017, Giulia Savoja |
Notes: |
Il BFL è un laboratorio di ricerca applicata, permanente e interdisciplinare, che articolandosi in diverse “sezioni” svolge e offre servizi di certificazione e sperimentazione nel Settore delle Costruzioni. I servizi offerti sono basati su attività di Prova e Testing che vengono attuati secondo protocolli normati (es: UNI/EN, ASTM, AAMA, ecc…) o sperimentali. Oltre questi servizi principali, se ne offrono altri particolari quali la Prototipazione, la Modellazione, la Diagnostica (invasiva e non), il rilievo alla grande e piccola scala territoriale, la Caratterizzazione materica, la verifica sismica strutturale, la verifica delle costruzioni in ambienti off-shore, la fattibilità energetica secondo le Fonti Energetiche Rinnovabili, da quella solare a quella da moto ondoso.
I servizi sono svolti in forma sia autonoma che complementare dalle 6 sezioni di lavoro su cui si articola Il Building Future Lab, ovvero:
- Sistemi d’involucro: TCLab (TEST LAB & TEST CELL)
resp. Martino Milardi (
- Materali e Componenti: TEST MAT&COM
resp. Francesco Pastura (
- Sistemi morfologici (rilievo e modellazione): TEST DIMORA
resp. Francesca Fatta (
- Sistemi strutturali e antisismica TEST DINAMICA
resp. Adolfo Santini (
- Diagnostica edifici nella fase d’uso TEST MOBILE
resp. Matilde Pietrafesa (
- Edifici in fondazioni su acqua, ed Energia da moto ondoso TEST WATER
resp. Felice Arena (
Completa il quadro un Laboratorio COGNITIVO per il management del Laboratorio, il rapporto con gli stakeholders, la definizione delle commesse e l’innovazione del progetto complessivo del BFL.
L'analisi e la valutazione della sostenibilità dell'innovazione sono effettuate in un'ottica di ciclo di vita utile, e nelle dimensioni ambientale, del contesto sociale-storico-culturale e delle risorse economiche. |
Principal aims
The BFL has as main purpose the research and development activities through TESTING and CERTIFICATION the environmental risk conditions, seismic and operation, for the construction industry; Modeling and Prototyping of constructive elements, such as the casings of the buildings, as well as in the field of Cultural Heritage; TEST dynamic related to Sustainable Energy, Environmental and seismic buildings; tests on materials and components, on morphological and structural subsystems. The BFL wants to overcome the traditional transfer method of manufacturing experience, and aims to create innovative processes using controlled experimental experiences based on Testing for the definition and certification of performance of buildings and components "for the city of the future". The buildings built to the certifications and tests offered by the BFL, and oriented towards the new adaptive techniques, integrated and smart, are placed in the field of NZEB - Near Zero Energy Building, thereby meeting the higher performance of Energy Saving and Efficiency, Energy Production from RES, Technologies low carbon and low-energy material intensity. The purposes of products and components Certification is guaranteed by test cycles specified by Standards UNI/EN; AAMA, ASTM etc.
Research activities
Testing, Prototyping, Modelling e Diagnosys for construction
International relationships
PORTUGAL: ITECONS, Universidade de Coimbra, Portogallo, 2015
CINA: Cina-Italy Innovation Week 2015
CINA: Italy-Cina Innovation Week 2016
CINA ITTN-Internationa Technology Transfert Network 2015
CILE: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2017
SPAIN: Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, Spagna, 2017
ALGERIA: Universitè de Constantine 3, Algeria dal 2016
IRAN: IRAN-Italy Innovation Week, 2017
CANADA: MACAER America Inc., Laval, Montreal, Canada 2015
USA: GLASBIT, Building Envelope Design & Management, manufacturing and consulting firm, NJ, USA,dal 2015
INDIA: GD Goenka University, SOFD, GDGU, Gurugram, India, 2017
ROMANIA: Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara, 2017
Smart Specialisation Strategy Calabria (S3 Calabria)
Ambiente e rischi naturali / Environment and natural risk
Turismo e Cultura / Tourism and Culture
Bioedilizia / Green Building
Martino Milardi |
Building Envelope
Advanced Testing, Experimentation and
Building environmental performances
SH3_1 - Environment and sustainability PE6_8 - Intelligent systems PE5_9 - Materials for sensors PE5_12 - Intelligent materials ? self assembled materials PE7_5 - Micro- and nanoelectronics, optoelectronics PE8_3 - Civil engineering, maritime/hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, waste treatment PE8_6 - Energy systems (production, distribution, application) PE8_11 - Product design, ergonomics, man-machine interfaces PE8_12 - Lightweight construction, textile technology PE8_13 - Industrial bioengineering PE8_16 - |
Corrado Trombetta |
Building Envelope
Building Perfomances
Design Development
SH3_1 - Environment and sustainability PE6_8 - Intelligent systems PE5_12 - Intelligent materials ? self assembled materials PE7_5 - Micro- and nanoelectronics, optoelectronics PE8_3 - Civil engineering, maritime/hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, waste treatment PE8_11 - Product design, ergonomics, man-machine interfaces PE8_12 - Lightweight construction, textile technology PE8_16 - |
Francesco Pastura |
Construction Materials |
PE5_1 - Structural properties of materials PE5_12 - Intelligent materials ? self assembled materials PE5_9 - Materials for sensors PE5_3 - Surface modification PE5_4 - Thin films PE5_19 - Characterization methods of materials PE8_9 - Materials engineering (biomaterials, metals, ceramics, polymers, composites) |
Francesca Fatta |
PE7_4 - Systems engineering, sensorics, actorics, automation PE8_11 - Product design, ergonomics, man-machine interfaces PE8_8 - Mechanical and manufacturing engineering (shaping, mounting, joining, separation) |
Matilde Mariarosa Consolata Pietrafesa |
Building Energy performance
Environmental Diagnosys
SH3_1 - Environment and sustainability SH3_2 - Environmental regulation and mediation PE10_3 - Climatology and climate change |